Unit 6: “Independence” (Discussion Activity 6.3)
While going through Unit 6, I vaguely remembered an article on the subject of independence that I happened to read this summer. A little Googling helped me find it: “How independent are Husky’s directors?” I found the article interesting at the time, but it’s taken on a new significance in light of this course and the things I […]
Unit 5: Applying Lord Hoffman’s Analysis to The Rhone and Fitzpatrick’s Fuel
If I’m understanding Lord Hoffman’s judgment correctly, he is arguing that our focus on the analogy of the “directing mind” obscures its true purpose, which is to identify the person designated by the relevant attribution rule as liable. As “the question is one of construction rather than metaphysics” (para 22), we need to derive the attribution […]
Unit 1: Reflection on “The Corporation”
It wasn’t until I was over an hour into The Corporation that I realized I had seen it before. One line in particular reminded me that I’d watched the documentary for a class in high school. At around the 1:02:30 mark, the filmmakers interject and say “It sounds like you’re advocating private ownership of every […]