Dates, deadlines, posts & all that jazz…


Below are dates and deadlines for the rest of course based on a review of the material we need to cover and the natural cadence of those materials.

You will note a few changes.

Most obviously you will see that assignment due dates away from Fridays to the following Monday (before or in-class) so as to better align with the materials, provide an additional weekend buffer, and also to allow for the assignments to be more simply handed in (if that’s you method).

For right now I am going to hold off on definitively scheduling any make-up classes beyond this Tuesday. That is so we can together determine whether we need those dates to cover the substantive materials or for pre-exam review. It’s just too early to tell.

One other change. I am reducing the “expectation” of posting/commenting from 5+5 to 3+3. Everyone has worked so hard (arguably too hard) on your contributions. There really is no need to overdo…participation has been very strong through emails and posts (as well as in and out of class). The participation grade percentage just doesn’t justify it. So beyond 3+3 just have fun with the interactive piece. That is truly what it’s there for.

Now on to the rest of the term….

Week of October 17 = Unit 4

Special Class October 18 12:30 – 2 PM Room 106 = “Resources & Principles Relevant to Assignment 1”

1st Assignment Due = By 9 AM Monday October 24

Week of October 24 = Unit 5

Weeks of October 31 & November 7 = Unit 6

Weeks of November 14 & 21 = Unit 7

2nd Assignment Due = By 9 AM Monday November 21

Week of November 28 = Unit 8

Obviously we will talk more about all this during the week.


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