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[badgeos_achievements_list limit="10" show_filter="false" show_search="false" orderby="date" order="ASC" wpms="false"]
By Jon Festinger on September 6, 2024
Am excited to be teaching this course again. BizOrgs is a subject with multiple personalities. On one hand it merely deals with a set of tools – a fairly musty set of open-ended lego-like pieces that corporate frameworks are built from. On the other hand, the frameworks built from those pieces are often massive flashpoints […]
By Jon Festinger on June 26, 2019
One thing I mentioned towards the end of the course was that someday I wanted to do a post reviewing the corporate law aspects of the 1990 Julia Roberts/Richard Gere film movie “Pretty Woman”. “Pretty Woman” is mostly awful, especially when watched from the vantage point of 2019. Leaving aside the myriad blatant instances of […]
By Jon Festinger on December 30, 2018
When I saw the article you can link to above, memories certainly came flooding back. I had no idea what to expect when trying to give a corporate law lecture by inventing/using memes tailored to the purpose. After the fact it certainly felt like a “love it or hate it” event (possibly more the latter). […]
By Jon Festinger on December 16, 2016
Interesting evolving takeover and related events, made that much more impactful for some of us since they involve creative content companies. Links below: Vivendi stake in Ubisoft passes 25%, increasing takeover threat: French media company needs to acquire 30% of publisher’s stock before it can offer to buy the company Ubisoft dev fears ‘constraints that […]
By Jon Festinger on December 3, 2016
Was curious so fed the course materials into a word-cloud generator to see what would happen. The results in the shape of a corporate briefcase are below…. jon
By Jon Festinger on November 30, 2016
Unfortunately lectutre capture was unavailable today, and yet again I failed miserably at recording video off my MacBook. My apologies….yet again. But thanks to an intrepid class member there is audio of really good quality… Click on image below to get to the audio. Note that logistics start at 1:14 with the actual talk beginning […]
By Jon Festinger on November 28, 2016
Today’s video and slides… jon
By Jon Festinger on November 24, 2016
Lecture capture and slides below… jon
This is an Open Badges UBC pilot project.