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General Conclusions: Corporate Purpose and Many Ambiguities

The notion that particular circumstances may entitle the court to disregard the separate existence of corporate personhood recurs in many cases. In my view, this notion of circumstantial consideration seems beneficial, but is too often plagued by turning into yet another source of ambiguity. Of course, as the court notes, certain situations, such as fraudulent […]

Blog Activity 5.3 – Section 33

Restricted businesses and powers 33. (1) A company must not (a) carry on any business or exercise any power that it is restricted by its memorandum or articles from carrying on or exercising, or (b) exercise any of its powers in a manner inconsistent with those restrictions in its memorandum or articles. (2) No act of a company, including […]

Problems with Corporate Personhood?

There are problems with corporate personhood only to the extent to which we believe in the existence of separate corporate personhood. That is, do we think a corporate is an entity with its own autonomous aspects (capacities, rights, etc. – the details are irrelevant to this point), or do we think a corporation is a vessel […]

4.1: What is the effect, if any, of the different wording of s 15(1) of the CBCA and 30 of the BCBCA?

Comparing s. 15(1) of the CBCA and s. 30 of the BCBCA, two differences in wording stand out to me. First, under s. 15(1) of the CBCA any rights, powers, and privileges a corporation enjoys may be qualified by the Act. Such a qualification is not included in s. 30 of the BCBCA. Second, there is a difference between the treatment of a […]