Thinking Back to Partnerships…
Thinking way back to partnerships for my final post—Discussion Activity 3.2: The provisions of the Ontario Partnership Act relevant to determining the existence of a partnership between X and Y are sections 2 and 3. Section 2 of the Act defines partnership as the relationship between “persons carrying on a business in common with a […]
4.1: What is the effect, if any, of the different wording of s 15(1) of the CBCA and 30 of the BCBCA?
Comparing s. 15(1) of the CBCA and s. 30 of the BCBCA, two differences in wording stand out to me. First, under s. 15(1) of the CBCA any rights, powers, and privileges a corporation enjoys may be qualified by the Act. Such a qualification is not included in s. 30 of the BCBCA. Second, there is a difference between the treatment of a […]
Considering “The Corporation”
Like many of my classmates, I was intrigued by the idea of corporate personhood after viewing The Corporation. The idea of corporate personhood is strangely familiar and pervasive, despite being something I have not given much thought to in the past (beyond acknowledging a vague discomfort with the idea whenever it was raised). Following Monday’s […]