Discussion Activity 6.1: Relevant Statutory Provisions: BCBCA section 137 (1): “…the articles of a company may transfer, in whole or in part, the powers of the directors to manage or supervise the management of the business and affairs of the company to one or more other persons.” BCBCA section 137 (2): “(2) If the whole […]
Discussion Activity 6.3: Meaning of Independence
Discussion Activity 6.3: After reading page 311 of the Casebook and reflecting on the content, it appears to me that one of the dominant justifications for the “independence” requirements for Boards is the existence of the fiduciary duty and duty of care placed on Directors in the Federal and Provincial companies Acts carry out duties/execute functions in the “best interest […]
Lawyer’s Ethical Obligations
With regards to the discussion we had at the beginning of last class around ethics, I feel it is helpful to point out 3.2-7 & 3.2-8 of the BC Law Society ‘s Code of Professional Conduct. They read as follows: “DISHONESTY, FRAUD BY CLIENT 3.2-7 A lawyer must not engage in any activity that the […]