Videos & Notes

Class 24: Majority Rule & Protecting Minority Interests

Unfortunately lectutre capture was unavailable today, and yet again I failed miserably at recording video off my MacBook. My apologies….yet again. But thanks to an intrepid class member there is audio of really good quality… Click on image below to get to the audio. Note that logistics start at 1:14 with the actual talk beginning […]

Class 23: Exam Prep 101

Slides from today… jon

Class 21: The (Fiduciary) Obligations of Corporate Management #2

Lecture capture and slides below… jon

Class 20: The (Fiduciary) Obligations of Corporate Management #1

Today’s video & slides…and bonus screen cap of the phishing text I received this morning and mentioned in class… jon

Class 19: The Legal Architecture of Business Governance #4

Lecture captures and slides below. Not sure why but a different format of the video comes up for me but it’s all there and is unlikely to have any substantive impact on your viewing pleasure (not that “pleasure” is at all the appropriate word)… jon

Class 18: The Legal Architecture of Business Governance #3

Lecture-capture and slides below… jon

Class 17: The Legal Architecture of Business Governance #2

Quite a day. Memorable in its own unique way. Grateful that it started at UBC with so many thoughtful and conscious people. Thank you. No lecture capture, so just slides below. jon

And the Academy Award for best supporting role goes…to the class..

The UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning & Technology piece that included footage taken in the class has been posted. It is actually about some of the open pedagogies incorporated through our course website and the use of lecture capture. Since the interview with me was actually filmed the week before Biz Org started, my reference […]