Cinematic Regal-izations

Discussion 7.5 The case of Regal (Hastings) Ltd. V. Gulliver [1942] UKHL 1 raises a number of interesting issues: The whole mess could have been avoided; Oxford & Berkshire Cinemas Ltd. ended up getting a sweet deal; and It involves Lord Denning before he was Lord Denning. I find it interesting that with a number […]

The Barbershop: A Duet or Two Solos?

This post is in regard to this week’s Discussion Activity regarding the barbershop. The agreement is between two barbers (X and Y) as to how they will conduct Z. While the agreement describes X and Y as “each Partner” in sections 2.7 through 2.10, there may be more than meets the eye. A partnership is […]

The Corporation Reflection

The first time I watched The Corporation was in my first year of university in a sociology class. At the age of 18 I found the film very much enlightening and thought provoking. Much of the content brought to light new issues and ideas I had never thought of before. I really felt like I […]