Comparing Corporate Purpose in Canada v USA
The case of Ford v Dodge addresses the issue of how ‘corporate purpose’ is envisioned in the United States, and it seems to draw a fairly direct connection between said purpose and long term profit. The question of how this issue is approached by Canadian courts seems to be addressed in People’s Department Store v […]
Reforming Corporate Personhood?
Corporate personhood, as set out by s.30 of the Business Corporations Act is unequivocally a controversial concept. Although it is clear that corporations require certain legal protections in order to be able to function effectively, the desirability of conveying the rights of “an individual with full capacity” upon an artificial construct animated by humans for […]
“The Corporation” Reflection
The documentary, while clearly setting out numerous examples of situations in which a corporation performs socially undesirable acts in the name of profit, reaches a conclusion which I am not entirely comfortable with, namely that corporations are psychopathic entities. My discomfort with this conclusion stems from the fact that corporations are anthropomorphised in order to […]