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Class 7: Partnership (con’d) & Adventures in TV Land, Part 2

A “Wonderful Wednesday” – meaning no lecture capture. Slides are below. jon

Discussion Activity – The Barbershop Duet

The following post touches on the discussion activity (3.1/2) from this week which asks us to consider whether the agreement between X and Y regarding their barbershop (Z) constitutes a partnership. I will assume for the sake of this activity that the agreement was made in BC and therefore subject to the BCPA. Provisions 2.2 […]

Lawyer’s Ethical Obligations

With regards to the discussion we had at the beginning of last class around ethics, I feel it is helpful to point out 3.2-7 & 3.2-8 of the BC Law Society ‘s Code of Professional Conduct. They read as follows: “DISHONESTY, FRAUD BY CLIENT 3.2-7  A lawyer must not engage in any activity that the […]

The Barbershop: A Duet or Two Solos?

This post is in regard to this week’s Discussion Activity regarding the barbershop. The agreement is between two barbers (X and Y) as to how they will conduct Z. While the agreement describes X and Y as “each Partner” in sections 2.7 through 2.10, there may be more than meets the eye. A partnership is […]

Class 6: Partnership

Video and slides of the entire class below. jon

Class 5: The Roles of Management & Adventures in TV Land, Part 1

Video of our first hour but not “Adventures in TV Land”. Slides for both. jon

Class 4: The Basic Concepts of Business Organizations

Video and Slides below. Logistics segment at the front end edited out. jon  

Previous Final Exams

Here are some previous exams in the course (not authored by me) for you to check out when time permits. jon

The Problem with the Narrative of the Psychopathic Person

So I finally watched The Corporation (late to the party, I know), and got through it with the disappointed, slightly scrunched up face of someone who found it deeply flawed. I agreed with it in many aspects, including the solutions proffered at the end, to do with changing the incentives of corporations to be more […]

The Myth of Corporate Personhood

A corporation is not a person: although I obviously do not have knowledge of the full range of jurisprudence on this issue, there seems to be little ground to support the notion that a corporation is a person. There is legislation in place, section 15(1) of the CBCA and section 30 of the BCBCA, that gives corporations […]