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Discussion Activity 5.1: Reconciling R v. Fitzpatrick’s Fuel and The Rhône

I think that The “Rhone” and Fitzpatrick’s are reconcilable in regards to the captain not being seen as a directing mind, but the gas attendant/cashier being found to be a directing mind due to different policy considerations playing a role in the two cases. This might be too simplistic, but here’s how I rationalize it. […]

Class 15: Corporate Obligations #2

Unfortunately the experiment of recording Wednesday’s talk didn’t really work, so am afraid all we have are the slides. Here they are… jon

Discussion 6.2: Shadow Directors

Ignoring the vagueness of the BCBCA and CBCA in regards to directors right now, I think a corporation could be a shadow director (I mean, we just saw in the Huffington Post article that a piece of AI became a director…), but I think that it would lead to a lot of issues as far […]

6.2: Corporations as Shadow Director

I think it is possible that a corporation could act as shadow director in another corporation, but there is a question as to whether or not it could be recognized by a Canadian court as being a director.  In terms of acting as shadow director, it is likely that a corporation could meet the definition […]

Discussion Activity 6.2: The Shadow Director

Can a corporation be a “shadow director” of another corporation? First, let’s look at who in general can be a director. CBCA s. 2(1) and BCBCA s. 1(1) are not very helpful in terms of narrowing down the question of who a director can be, but they are helpful in that they both implicitly allow […]