Your Take/Solutions

Intel CEO “Retires” after Clashing with Board of Directors

Intel CEO “Retires” after Clashing with Board of Directors Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger “retired” a few days ago on December 1 after he had been appointed to the position just three years ago in 2021. The official Intel press release had stated Gelsinger retired on his own accord. Subsequently, news outlets, citing reliable insider sources, […]

On the UnitedHealthcare shooting…

If you’ve been following the news in the last few days, you may have heard about the fatal shooting of UnitedHealthcare’s CEO, Brian Thompson, on Wednesday. I first came across this news due to some tweets that were mocking the police’s efforts to find the shooter, among a clear lack of empathy for Thompson’s death. […]

Corporate Governance in AI Companies: Insights from the OpenAI Crisis

Corporate Governance in AI Companies: Insights from the OpenAI Crisis The corporate crisis that unfolded at OpenAI in November 2023 inspired me to reflect on corporate governance in AI companies. The crisis, which concluded with Sam Altman’s reinstatement and board restructuring, offers valuable insights worthy of discussion.   While many analysts drew parallels to Steve Jobs’ […]

Now AI Washing? Is There Anything a Corporation Won’t Try?

I couldn’t resist posting this link to an article I found by Stewart Muglich, “AI Washing: Regulator Urges Accurate Disclosures by Issuers . At one point the article states, when “statements are not supported by facts and corporate activities, they are misleading and promotional, thus inappropriate.”[1] I whole heartedly agree but I would go a […]

Failure to pick a side politically may hurt your business: Washington Post lost roughly 10% of subscribers.

It seems that Murdoch is not the only person who thinks picking a side in the media business is uber important, as apparently a significant amount of Washington Post readers thought so too. I asked Canva to generate a picture of “angry readers boycotting Washington Post”, and this is what I got. Hopefully my good […]

Documentary Spotlight: Buy Now! The Shopping Conspiracy

Hello Everyone, In this brief post, I want to share a documentary I recently came across on Netflix called “Buy Now! The Shopping Conspiracy.” After watching it, I found it to be highly relevant to this course, as it explores the implications of directors’ duties to the corporation and how it affects its operations. It […]

“Potato Cartel”? Price Fixing and Corporate Liability

CBC News recently reported that two NDP MPs have asked the Commissioner of Competition (i.e. the Competition Bureau) to look into the alleged price fixing of frozen potato products in grocery stores.[1] This request follows from proposed class actions that have been filed in the US regarding the same matter.[2] There are two Canadian companies […]

“Make Corporations Democratic Again”: Eliminating the Dual-Class Share Structure in the Name of Strengthening Shareholder Democracy

Hi everyone! I’ve really enjoyed our class discussions this term, and given our recent conversations regarding the Rogers saga and shareholder democracy, I thought I was pass along the paper I wrote for the version of this course I took back in 2022. Everything is surprisingly still relevant! Introduction Of the core characteristics that define […]

Australia’s Road to Banning Social Media for Anyone Under 16

I’ve been following the news surrounding banning of social media for anyone under 16 in Australia for a week or two now, and it seems that new events are unfolding which contradicts my expectations. An article written by BBC describes the tabled bill as “world-leading,”[1] which, sounds like an accurate description to me. The article […]

Some loose thoughts on corporate governance

This is a piece of loose reflective work on my thoughts about corporate governance. It is not based on any study of rigor. Everything below this line is strictly my personal opinion, which means this blog post may be opinionated, skewed, controversial, naïve or all of the above. Just in case you think whatever I […]