Your Take/Solutions

The Corporation – Thoughts

I thought the movie lacked any mention of the various ways in which corporations are regulated. Many of the examples cited by Bakan, including Monsanto and US companies profiting from the Nazi regime, are examples of cases where regulators have failed to reign in the profit-seeking nature of corporations. I fail to see how this […]

Corporation Thoughts

From the very beginning, the film demonized the corporation and it felt like a dark deep black hole from there revealing the terrible things corporations do—as the film points out, they are solely motivated by profit.  I made a conscious decision to try and find some parts in the film that portrayed the corporation in […]

Unit 1: Reflection on “The Corporation”

It wasn’t until I was over an hour into The Corporation that I realized I had seen it before. One line in particular reminded me that I’d watched the documentary for a class in high school. At around the 1:02:30 mark, the filmmakers interject and say “It sounds like you’re advocating private ownership of every […]

Reaction to The Corporation

The corporation as a subordinate group, serving public interest and limited by the Charter granted to them is far removed from the operations we see in modern corporations. And of course, ho-hum, corporate lawyers led the charge to remove these constraints. I had never learnt about the history of corporations, just basic economics, so a […]

Reflection on The Corporation

I was already familiar with many of the social ills and critiques leveled at corporations and capitalism in general; I was hoping to learn more about the legal form from this documentary than I did.  So, I will focus on some aspects of “personhood” I found interesting. In regards to anthropomorphizing corporations, perhaps what they […]

The Corporation Reflection

The first time I watched The Corporation was in my first year of university in a sociology class. At the age of 18 I found the film very much enlightening and thought provoking. Much of the content brought to light new issues and ideas I had never thought of before. I really felt like I […]

Thoughts on ‘The Corporation’

While the film’s  attempt to ascribe characteristics of psychopathy to modern corporations may be seen by some as an effective narrative tool, I believe it is problematic and ultimately detracts from the legitimacy of the film’s message. Aside from the notion that the concept of psychopathy is a somewhat contentious concept in psychology *, the […]

Thoughts on “the Corporation”

Although I believe I understood the core concepts and thesis, I finished “the Corporation” with a feeling of confusion. Primarily, I believe my confusion has much to do with one of the first principles of the film: the idea that a corporation is a person. Use of the term ‘person’ in describing what a corporation […]

Corporate Generations

Have corporations changed over the the centuries and decades? They, like everything else, sure have. Does how they have changed matter? That will depend in part on whether you believe there is a deeper purpose or destiny for the corporate form. Whether you do or not, it is hard to argue in favour of some […]

Unit 1: General Thoughts on “The Corporation”

I thought I’d start off this blog posting thing with some general rambling thoughts, as I’m still organizing what I thought about “The Corporation”. I’d never actually seen the documentary before, though I’ve previously encountered some of the film’s examples of atrocious corporate actions in the news and in other media. I hold some generally […]